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Welcome to DCNextGen!
"DCNextGen's mission is to empower the next generation of young hackers by creating an environment where hands on discoveries can reveal new and unexpected ways of thinking about security and technology. Lets explore and change the world together, one network at a time."
DEF CON is an amazing cyber security conference where hackers from around the world come together to share their passions and knowledge with each other and have fun! Now it's time to bring the next generation of Hackers into this community so we can ensure the future will be a safe and secure one. This year at DEF CON 32, DEF CON NextGen will be hosting events, workshops, and CTFs to give kids and teens real life cyber experience, and allow them to connect with others though collaborative learning. Additionally, the villages will have content for the kids, allowing them to have the full DEF CON experience with their parents.
DEF CON NextGen is a work in progress, so check here often for more updates and news! You should also follow @DEFCONNextGen on Mastodon, Twitter, Insta, and Facebook.
For now, here are a few common questions and our answers:
What is the age range for DEF CON NextGen?
Youth of any age are allowed to come to DEF CON. DEF CON NextGen is aiming to make our content as inclusive as possible. Fun challenges for the younger kids, and more technical content for those up to the challenge! The suggested age range level is about 8-17, but younger kids are more than welcome to join in on the fun! Once an official schedule comes out, every activity will have a recommended skill level.
Is DEF CON safe?
DEF CON is always ensuring everyone has a safe and welcoming time at the conference. It is run by a team of GOONS which are managers with specific tasks such as information and security. DEF CON NextGen will also have its own team of GOONS at every activity and event. It is important to note that though monitored, DEF CON does not have a filter. There will be cursing, inappropriate jokes, wild outfits, and some shenanigans. In general though the Hacker community is full of passionate fun people who want to learn together while expressing themselves. If anyone gets out of line, the GOON staff is there to handle any situation at hand.
Why should my kid get started in cyber security?
The world of tech is rapidly growing, and it's not slowing down any time soon. Kids grow up knowing how to use these systems, but not how they work and how to keep themselves secure. Cyber security can also teach a ton of essential skills like researching, problem solving, developing creative skills, and practicing collaborative learning. Plus technology is just straight up cool!
Why is this site so simple?
This site is built in HTML for a reason: This allows the kids to view the page source and have it be more understandable. Who knows, there may be some things hidden around now or in the future ;)
Any More Questions?
DM us on any of our socials! @DEFCONNextGen on Twitter, Insta, Mastodon and TicTok